NVQ Reviews

The aim of our NVQ reviews is to get NVQ students, past and present, to write a few words about the particular NVQ that has been taken.
To this aim, we have placed a review button at the foot of each NVQ post so that you can rate your NVQ course and share your experiences with others who may be thinking of taking the same course themselves.
There is a short NVQ reviews form to fill in where you can put your name (nickname), email address (to check you’re real!), the college where you took your NVQ and also the location – we’re looking for towns here. Once we start getting a good few reviews in, we’ll try and tie the locations to a nice handy map feature so you can see who studied what, where, and how good they thought the course was.
All NVQ reviews will be moderated before being accepted so please keep them clean! Please also keep them honest as we have no way of verifying the integrity of any reviews so are banking on your honestly here, please. Any that are obviously hate-filled or potentially slanderous, won’t make it through the system.